About D60

D60 Micro Mineral Supplement for Pet Dogs

What is D60 and what does it do?
 D60 is a micro mineral supplement for pet dogs. It is designed to provide essential minerals that may be missing from your pet’s daily diet to help improve the condition and well being of your family friend.

How was D60 developed?
D60 Mineral Supplement evolved from the selection of Mineral Supplements provided to the agricultural industry.

For some considerable time Micro Mineral Supplements have been used by farmers to improve the condition of their Cattle and Sheep where feed pastures are deficient in certain minerals.

The mineral supplements are generally administered to the farm animals through their supply of drinking water.

Over time we received reports that working dogs drinking the water containing the supplement, also showed improvement in their general condition.

The most regularly reported change was an improvement in the quality of the dog’s coat but over time it was also reported that older animals that had been having problems with arthritis were showing signs of improvement in their movement.

This prompted us to develop a formula designed especially for working dogs that we have marketed successfully under the Dog Juice label

D60 has been developed from our Dog Juice product. It has been packaged in a format that is easily administered to pet dogs.

Although there have been no definitive trials to verify results there is considerable anecdotal evidence to show that D60 can improve the condition and wellbeing of your dog and may improve the symptoms of arthritis.

Why give my pet D60?
A pet’s diet may be low or deficient in one or more trace minerals. D60 can help maintain your dog’s vitality by supplying:

Adequate amounts of zinc are essential to the health of a dog’s coat and skin, ability to reproduce, and for the functioning of many enzymes that are essential to normal metabolism. Zinc also plays a role in helping muscles work optimally during high intensity exercise

Selenium is a potent antioxidant that acts in concert with Vitamin E to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Calcium is needed for the formation and maintenance of bones, teeth and healthy gums. It stabilises many body functions and has a natural calming and tranquilising effect. It is necessary for maintaining a regular heartbeat, the transmission of nerve impulses, helps muscular growth and normal blood clotting. It also provides energy, breaks down fats, maintains proper cell membrane permeability, aids in neuromuscular activity, stops lead from being absorbed into bone and keeps the skin healthy.

Cobalt is important in the production of red blood cells and aids Iron absorption, A deficiency in Cobalt in your pet’s diet can also lead to Iron deficiency.

Adequate dietary sources of copper are needed if a dog’s bones, connective tissue, collagen, and myelin (the protective covering of nerves) are to form properly. Copper helps the body absorb iron, making it an important part of red blood cell function. It can also act as an antioxidant, is a part of many enzymes, and is necessary for the formation of melanin, the pigment that darkens hair and skin.

Dogs need manganese to produce energy, metabolise protein and carbohydrates, and to make fatty acids. Manganese is an important part of many enzymes and plays a role in the health and maintenance of bone and cartilage in joints.

Iodine’s primary role in the body is in the manufacture of thyroid hormones that regulate growth and the body’s metabolic rate.

Magnesium helps with formation of bone and teeth, maintains a healthy heart and assists the absorption of calcium and potassium. While calcium stimulates the muscles, magnesium is used to relax them. Magnesium is also needed for cellular metabolism, production of vitamins C, E and B complex and the production of energy. It is also required for the production of certain enzymes and helps the body to rid itself of lead that has accumulated in bones and tissue due to environmental contamination.

D60 infusion contains all of the above minerals together with Liquid Tasmanian Bull Kelp which has further micro quantities of other essential elements.

In addition, D60 infusion also contains added Vitamin B12 for a healthy nervous system and the growth of red and white blood cells.

Package Size and Recommended Dose
D60 is available in 10mL glass dropper packs. A 10mL pack should last a dog for approximately three months

The recommended dose is four drops with food on the first day and two drops per day thereafter. You should notice an improvement in your dog’s condition within four to six weeks.

Although we have no evidence that it will do them harm we recommend that D60 should not be given to puppies that are less than six months old.

D60 is manufactured in Australia by Mineral Herd Pty Ltd